Upcoming Workshop May 15th : Practical Strategies to Boost Executive Functioning and Reduce Stress in Everyday Routines and Activities


Resources that support emotional regulation, mindfulness, executive functioning & social communication. We have posters, cards and calendars, bundles and more. Our book and course are available as well! If you’re interested in bulk pricing or have additional questions, please email us at [email protected]

Make Social & Emotional Learning Stick! (Black & White)


Replay of Empower Listening & Learning Workshop

If you are you looking for ways to support true engagement for your child or learner then this workshop replay is a must have.


This was a powerful workshop with expert Sarah Ward, that will change the way you support your child listening and learning potentials.

Make It Stick Parenting Course

Make it Stick Parenting is a neuroscience-based online course and coaching program designed for parents raising neurodivergent kids.

Led by Dr. Rebecca Branstetter, a school psychologist, and Elizabeth Sautter, a Speech Language Pathologist, this program empowers parents to create lasting positive changes in their child’s social-emotional and executive functioning development.

Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Send me a note here and let’s chat!

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