Hi! I'm Elizabeth Sautter

A licensed speech-language pathologist with nearly three decades of experience. I am dedicated to supporting parents of neurodivergent children to navigate social situations, manage emotions, and reduce anxiety for both them and their children.

My Mission

Having raised two children with additional needs, I understand the unique challenges that come with parenting neurodivergent children. My approach is focused on integrating social-emotional learning into daily routines, making it an add-IN to life, not an add-ON to your already busy days. I emphasize strengths, interests, and connections, using Neurodiversity-affirming practices to support each family’s journey.

Background & Professional Journey

My journey began in schools where I collaborated to enhance communication and reduce challenging behaviors.

This experience laid the foundation for Communication Works, a center focused on addressing social, self-regulation, and executive functioning challenges.

Today, I continue this mission by offering parent training, school consultation, and community-based social hangouts. I have extended my impact globally, training educators and professionals all over the world in the best practices for supporting neurodivergent children. 

My Book and Resources

In my award-winning book, Make Social and Emotional Learning Stick!, I offer nearly 200 activities that help children thrive in everyday settings. 


Additionally, I provide an array of online courses and resources tailored to meet the needs of families navigating the complexities of neurodiversity.

Personal Inspiration

My passion for this field was inspired by my older sister, who navigated life with multiple disabilities. 

Her resilience and the lessons she taught me have driven me to give back to other families embarking on similar journeys.

Additional Roles

I also wear a few other hats that allow me to contribute further to the field of social-emotional learning:

1. Zones of Regulation Collaborative Trainer and Co-author – I collaborate on training and co-author resources for the Zones of Regulation, enhancing tools that support self-regulation and emotional control.

2. Everyday Regulation Co-author and Collaborator – I work with a team on the updated, neurodiversity-affirming resources for Whole Body Listening, ensuring that these tools meet the diverse needs of today’s learners.


I’m here to help you and your child navigate the world of neurodiversity with confidence and joy. Together, we can make social and emotional learning a natural, integrated part of your daily life.

For Media Inquiries

Feel free to reach out to Elizabeth at [email protected] for any inquiries or collaborations. Additionally, you can find her comprehensive media kit linked below.