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Managing Emotions During Elections: How to Support Your Family Through Stressful Times

Election seasons can be intense and emotionally charged for everyone, including children. The heightened emotions and stress that often accompany political campaigns and discussions can spread through households, leading to anxiety, frustration, and even conflict. As parents and caregivers, it’s essential to create a safe space where all family members can express their feelings and […]

Supporting Emotional Awareness at Home with the Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation is a great tool that helps kids (and even adults!) understand and manage their emotions. Created by Leah Kuypers, OT/R, the Zones of Regulation is a simple way to help your child identify what they’re feeling and why, so they can learn to respond in healthy ways. This isn’t about discipline—it’s […]

Navigating Transitions: Bridging Home and School for a Smooth Back-to-School Experience

Transitions can be challenging, especially for children who thrive on routine and predictability. With the back-to-school season here, many children and parents face the anxiety and uncertainty of this significant shift. Understanding and supporting these transitions is crucial to ensuring a successful start to the school year. Why Transitions Are Difficult Transitions, whether from one […]

Stress-Free Morning: 9 Secrets to Calmer Mornings with Your Neurodivergent Child

Mornings can be hectic for any family, but for those with neurodivergent children, they can involve extra layers of challenges and stress.    Picture this: you’re rushing to get breakfast on the table, your child refuses to get out of bed, and the clock ticks louder with every passing minute. Let’s explore how applying the 9 […]