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Navigating High School with Emotional Resilience and Authentic Connections

High school is a transformative chapter in your teenager’s life, filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. As parents, you play a pivotal role in guiding them through emotional resilience, self-identity development, forging genuine connections, and embracing inclusive values. In this article, we’ll explore strategies tailored for parents of high schoolers, equipping you to support […]

Nurturing Middle Schoolers: Fostering Authenticity and Connection

Middle school is a transformative phase where your child ventures into the realm of self-discovery and interpersonal connections. As parents, you play a crucial role in nurturing their authenticity while helping them forge meaningful relationships. This period, often marked by puberty, presents an opportunity to celebrate your child’s individuality, embrace their neurodiversity-affirming values, encourage inclusion, […]

Nurturing Neurodiversity-Affirming Social and Emotional Skills in School-Aged Children

As children journey through their school-aged years, they embark on a path of self-discovery, connection, and increased social interactions. In this phase, it’s essential to embrace neurodiversity-affirming practices that honor the uniqueness of each child’s social and emotional development. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) offers a comprehensive toolkit to help school-aged kids not only navigate their […]

“Listening is NOT a Behavior You Can See”

Listen to me! Look at me when I’m talking to you! Sit still!   This is how we were taught to listen and this is how it’s taught in most households and classrooms. We have been conditioned to think that these actions are the standard for listening and that they are helpful and show respect. […]